Sunday 23 February 2014

the sun, the spring and some lovely fabric flowers

spring is here and so are the lovely lovely colorful flowers. going for a walk early in the morning today, I met loads of these beauties. some were blossoming in the public park and front yards of houses and some were growing along the sidewalks, in the wild bushes and on the trees. no matter where they are, flowers never fail to bring a smile upon my face.

those flowers are what inspired me to make these cute little ones from some fabric scraps i had. now i am sure you will get loads of tutorials all over the net about how to make fabric flowers, but i for one  still haven't found one which would tell you 'what not to do' while making these here in this post i have tried to mention the mistakes i had made so that you won't make them.

this simple fabric flower tutorial can be found at many places. steps are simple:
1. cut 2" x 1" fabric pieces .
2. fold them in half.
3. sew them all with a simple running stitch.
4. pull the thread and stitch the ends together.
5. arrange the petals nicely before fixing them.
while making this flower, take a note of what side of fabric you are using


1. cut 2" x 1" fabric pieces .
2. fold them diagonally in half.
3. now fold diagonally again to make the two ends parallel on top of each other.
4. sew them all with a simple running stitch.
5. pull the thread and stitch the ends together.
6. arrange the petals nicely before fixing them.
while making this flower, take care to keep the folded side of all the petals to one side. this wouls give a symmetrical look. 

1. cut approx 1" x 6" fabric strips. you can keep the length according to how thick you want the flower to be.
2. fold the strip in 1" .
3. sew a running stitch on top of the strip.
4. pull the thread and roll the strip into a flower shape.
5. secure it nicely with the thread.
6. in the center you can add a bead, a button or even one of the ribbon flowers above.

1. cut approx 1" x 6" fabric strips. again, you can keep the length according to how thick you want the flower to be.
2. tie a know at one end of the flower.
3. twist and roll around the knot.
4. pull the thread and roll the strip into a flower shape.
5. secure it nicely with the thread.
6. in the center you can add a bead, a button or even one of the ribbon flowers above.
you can also have a look at all these flowers on my pinterest board here.

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